The Project

The project “Belprato Paese Dipinto” was launched in 2012 by a local artist, Marino Gabusi, in co-operation with our association, “L’anima della Pertica”, in order to make this village known. This ten-year initiative aims to gather up some artists in Belprato, supervised by Marino Gabusi, to make the houses of the village more colourful and attractive. However, the artists are free to use their techniques, and some paintings illustrate the ancestral lifestyle of the village.

In 2013, the first building to be painted was the seat of our Association. The artists co-operated with local young people. After that, almost all of the houses have been colour-flooded. The strongly evocative and expressive subjects depend on the feelings and the intentions of the artists. Indeed, there is no rule to describe what a painting evokes, in that sensations are completely personal, since they depend on our own cultural heritage.

Coronavirus has not stopped imagination, and this initiative went on very well last summer. What is more, 2020’s innovation was the so-called “Land Art”, inspired by the famous artist Christo : some trees were coated with coloured cloths to create a joyful effect

The pro loco association “L’anima della Pertica” was founded in 2012, in order to promote natural, historical and cultural tourism in Pertica Alta. “Belprato Paese Dipinto” is our main initiative. We also organize several events to bring our village to life and to let you know our tradition. Our association wants to thank the volunteers who took part in this project, and canto wait to meeting them again next year. Anyone can visit Belprato and its boulevards. There is not a designated track to stick to, but we want to provide you with a map illustrating what you can admire, and where. Instead, children can discover the village by means of a game-visit, which consists of painting some details and match them with the right picture.